Volunteer With Us
We greatly appreciate your willingness to lend a helping hand in our cooking classes. Cooking can be a messy but rewarding endeavor, and with your support, we can create an even more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. As a token of our gratitude, we offer a special incentive: if you volunteer for three classes, you will earn a free class of your choosing.
Cooking Class Volunteer
During the classes, volunteers play a crucial role in maintaining cleanliness and ensuring a smooth operation. Your responsibilities as a volunteer include:
- Washing dishes as needed: As the cooking progresses, dishes tend to accumulate. Your assistance in keeping up with the dishes will be invaluable.
- Cleaning work stations no longer in use: Once a cooking station is no longer in use, tidying it up helps create a clean and organized environment.
- Proper waste management: You will help ensure that trash is appropriately disposed of, recyclables are recycled, and compostable items are composted as needed. Our commitment to sustainability is an important part of our mission.
- Setting up and cleaning up: Arriving 15 minutes early and staying 15 minutes after the class allows you to assist with the preparation and cleanup process. Your contribution in this regard is highly appreciated.
- Assisting the instructor: The instructor may require additional help during the class, such as gathering ingredients, setting up equipment, or other tasks as needed. Your support in these areas will be invaluable.

Each class typically requires at least one volunteer, unless otherwise specified. As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to listen to the class, occasionally participate, and in most cases, enjoy some of the delicious food prepared during the class.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, we encourage you to sign up using the form below. Your dedication and assistance will not only contribute to the success of our cooking classes but also help foster a vibrant and engaging community.
Thank you for considering volunteering with us. We truly value your support and look forward to working together in creating memorable cooking experiences.
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering at Serenity Knoll Farm offers an incredible opportunity to contribute to the vibrant community that extends beyond the realm of cooking classes. Apart from the renowned culinary experiences, Serenity Knoll Farm hosts a diverse array of other events, such as yoga sessions, held right on the picturesque farm grounds. As a volunteer, you become an integral part of making these events a success, fostering an atmosphere of tranquility and well-being. Whether it’s setting up the yoga space, assisting with registrations, or ensuring smooth operations during the events, your dedication and support help create a serene environment for participants to find their inner balance. Additionally, Serenity Knoll Farm also collaborates with various organizations to organize off-site events, allowing volunteers to engage with the local community and contribute to a wider range of initiatives. By volunteering at Serenity Knoll Farm, you embrace the chance to immerse yourself in a holistic experience, fostering connection, wellness, and growth beyond the realm of cooking classes.